How To Apologize In Isoko (Learn Isoko Language Part 27)
Apology/You Unu
A genuine apology can be a way of demonstrating empathy and understanding toward the other person. An apology is a powerful way of showing humility, compassion, and accountability. If it is something much bigger than a simple oversight, it can go a long way toward repairing damaged relationships and restoring trust.
Ivie olẹ....Please/I beg
Ivie..... Please
Olẹ mẹ rọ....I am begging
Mẹ lẹ owhẹ.....I beg you
Rọvrẹ omẹ.....forgive me
Me Ru thọ.....I am wrong/guilty
Mẹ te gbẹ dawo iẹe ofa ha....I will not do it again
O te gbẹ via ha....It will not happen again
Kpairoro vrẹ.......Forget
Me kigwẹ be lowhẹ.......I am on my knee begging
Eva e dha owhẹ hẹ.....Please dont be angry
Who mu ofu hu.....Dont be upset
Whọ dheva ha......Dont be angry
Rọ udu kpotọ...Please calm down
Whọ gbẹ whọ họ.... Don't quarel again
Ivie u te no....Please it is okay
To truly heal a relationship, it is powerful for people to exchange apologies. Each person acknowledges their responsibility, they reach a shared definition of the harmful behaviors committed by each one, they are both truly sorry, and they create a plan to avoid future misunderstandings.
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