Learn Isoko Language Part 5 (Months In the Year)

Months In the Year In my previous post Week Days , I said I will acquaint you with the names of month in the year. I also said “a typical native speaker will not use English in place of a word that is available in his language. Though people can do that when the person they are communicating with is not fluent in the native language. But with that you can’t help the person learn faster. So be an encourager not a discourager.” Now here we are, learn them. Pronunciation Guide Year—Ukpe January—Ọvo February—Ava March—Asa April—Ane May—Asoi June—Azeza July—Ahr e ̣ August—Aria September—Azie October—Akpe November—Akpegbọvo December—Akpegbiv e ̣ You no doubt like that. In my next post we will learn vocabularies about Earth Elements . I know you are looking forward to that. PLEASE don’t fail to follow this blog by email so that you can get my future posts. If you have questions or you want me to discuss a topic of your i...