Romantic Expressions In Isoko Part 25 (Section 2)

Romantic Expressions In Isoko Section 2

Who re ru eva were omẹ ẹsikpobi...You always make me rejoice

Mẹ te talamu owhẹ bẹdẹ......I will stick with you forever

Ma reakpọ kuoma oyoyou mẹ.....Let's enjoy ourselves my love

Whọ were omẹ gaga....I like you so much

Mẹ rẹ rehọ owhẹ seha ẹsikpobi ... I'm 
always proud of you

A rẹ ruẹ obọ ra ha.....You are one of a kind

Who siuru!...You are sweet

Eme awere ra e be kọ ruọ omẹ uzuo....Your sweet words are intoxicating

Mẹ te siowhẹ ba vievie he.....I will never leave you

Mẹ gwọlọ rehọ owhẹ.....I want to marry you

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Anonymous said…
E said…
How do you spell sweetness in Isoko?
E said…
How do you spell sweetness in Isoko?

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